Winter 2025: New Course 'Artificial Intelligence and the Conscious Mind' (MAT/PHI 1400)

We are launching a new course "Artificial Intelligence and the Conscious Mind" (MAT/PHI 1400) in the Winter 2025 semester!

This course, developed by philosophy professor Dr. Eric Hiddleston and mathematics professor Dr. Hengguang Li, will delve into some of the most fascinating topics of our time:

Are AIs intelligent, understanding, or conscious? Could they ever be? How could we tell?

This course offers a unique opportunity to bridge mathematics, computer science, machine learning, and neural networks with philosophical and cognitive scientific approaches to mentality and consciousness. It reflects our commitment to enhancing literacy, fostering curiosity, and supporting scientific and philosophical inquiry in CAD development.

👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Students from all disciplines are welcome as we explore the scientific foundation and profound implications of AI and its role in shaping society.

It will dive deep into questions like:

  • Why does matheamtics play, more than ever, a pivotal role in the development of computing and AI technology?
  • What are the foundational ideas behind AI and machine learning algorithms?
  • Can AI achieve moral status?
  • How do biases in AI challenge social justice?
  • What do theories of consciousness reveal about large language models like ChatGPT?

Spread the word to anyone curious about the future of AI and its philosophical implications. Feel free to reach out for more details!


Published Thursday December 12, 2024